IFFAS Founding Meeting

The International Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies (IFFAS) held its founding meeting in Kyoto, Japan, on October 16, 1999. Organized on a regional rather than national basis, IFFAS's founding members included the Asian Federation of Foot and Ankle Society, the European Foot and Ankle Society, the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society and the South American Federation of Foot and Ankle Societies.

Representatives of the founding organizations attending the meeting included Asian Federation of Foot and Ankle Society members Yoshinori Takakura, Nara, Japan and Suguru Inokuchi, Tokyo, Japan; European Foot and Ankle Society members Greta E. Dereymaeker, M.D., Ph.D., Pellenberg, Belgium and Francesco E. Malerba, M.D., Milan, Italy; American Foot and Ankle Society members Michael J. Coughlin, M.D., Boise, Idaho and Ronald W. Smith, M.D., Long Beach, Calif. and South American Federation of Foot and Ankle Society members Zelman Simonovich, M.D., Buenos Aires, Argentina and Antonio E. Carvalho Jr., M.D., San Paulo, Brazil.

Also attending was the former General Secretary of the C.I.P. Eric G. Anderson, F.R.C.S., Glasgow, Scotland. At the Founding Meeting, the following were elected officers:, Yoshinori Takakura, M.D., President; Michael J. Coughlin, M.D., President Elect; Zelman Simonovich, M.D., Secretary and Greta E. Dereymaeker, M.D., Treasurer. The first scientific meeting of IFFAS will be held in San Francisco on September 12-14, 2002.

IFFAS gratefully acknowledges its antecedent in the College International de Medecine et Chirurgie du Pied (C.I.P.), an international organization of foot and ankle surgeons founded in 1958.